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Since summer 2020 we collaborate with Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Deurle, BE. Marta Janakakisz is memeber of the board of DiscoverDD, a support member group of the museum.

DiscoverDD is a group of art enthusiasts who support MDD and together discover and interact with emerging and internationally renowned artists in their studios. DiscoverDD visits private collections and other art institutions. It organizes multidisciplinary panel discussions on all facets of art and architecture. Every year there is a multi-day trip abroad where we discover the local art scene.”


Visiting Wim Delvoye in his studio in Gent, Belgium

Wim Delvoye

Hans Op de Beeck welcoming us in his Brussels studio

Hans Op de Beeck

How can we help you?Looking for a hub for your exhibition?

Nestnomad changes locations to better adapt to the needs and characteristics of the actual art exhibition and cultural event and to rationalize the scarce available resources, building on the principles of sharing economy.

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